Golden Valley High School * Strategies * Summer School * Mr. Hill * Room 210* Email: website: School phone number: 661.298.8140
This course outline has been prepared to inform you of all expectations, contents, course requirements, policies, and any other items that will give you the opportunity to achieve and have a positive learning experience. Please consider its framework carefully and share it with your parents. If you do not understand any part of this outline or have specific questions about this course, please see me personally.
I. Introduction of Course
English Strategies covers California State high school standards in grammar, mechanics, usage, composition, vocabulary, and literature for effective communication. Students will practice standards-based forms of writing as preparation for the exit-level assessments and academic collegiate preparation. English 10 students read extensively in multiple genres from world literature, learning and applying literary techniques through usage and oral/written analysis of chosen text/s. (Curriculum to be complemented by technology and advanced teaching techniques with related practice in high school exit examinations and/or SAT/ACT preparation, grammar, vocabulary, journal development, sustained reading, critical thinking/reading/writing, analogy application, and subjective and objective comprehension assessments)
II. Course Outline
English Strategies students read extensively in multiple genres from world literature, learning and applying literary techniques through usage and oral/written analysis of chosen text/s. (Curriculum to be complemented by technology and advanced teaching techniques with related practice in test preparation, grammar, vocabulary, journal development, sustained reading, critical thinking/reading/writing, analogy application, and subjective and objective comprehension assessments).
III. Materials
Students are expected to bring adequate supplies to class each day: A three-ring binder with five dividers, plenty of paper, and a writing utensil are mandatory. Summer school will provide an in-class set of textbooks related to the prescribed curriculum. If it is necessary to complete assignments at home for pacing purposes, then the student will check out a book through the teacher and then will be held liable for the care and condition of that book.
IV. Grading and Evaluation
Students will be graded on a standard percentage scale. The following chart will help:
A+= 98-100% A = 93-97% A- = 89.5-92%
B+= 88-89% B = 83-87% B- = 79.5-82%
C+= 78-79% C = 73-77% C- = 69.5-72%
D+= 68-69% D = 63-67% D- = 59.5-62%
F= Fail
V. Late Work and Make-up Work
For Summer School Session, all class assignments will be administered and collected within the class period. Homework will only be given to provide outside access of class material to accommodate pacing and completion of in-class projects.
VI. Attendance / Tardy Policy
If a student hits the 4th absence, they will be dropped. They can have the third and be tardy, but whatever adds up to the 4th will drop them (being tardy, half-absences, full absences). More than 20 minutes late is half absence, more than 45 minutes late in the period is a full absence, if they miss the last part of a period, it's a half absence.
VII. Academic Integrity
Any student found exchanging answers, plagiarizing, or in any way jeopardizing the integrity of his / her work (whether by giving or receiving answers) will receive a zero on that assignment or test and will be placed in the Opportunity Room plan. The student’s parent and the assistant principal may also be notified of this offense.
VII. Classroom Standards
Be ready to turn in your homework at the beginning of class. Be in your seats, ready to work, when the tardy bell rings. Come prepared. Be considerate and courteous to teachers and peers. Raise your hand and wait to be recognized by teacher before speaking.
VIII. Final Thoughts: Remember that each of you starts out with a grade of an A. Your ability to maintain this grade will depend upon your willingness to work hard and your commitment to receive the best education possible. Please feel free to invest a few minutes outside of class to make contact with me if you need help or have questions. My door is open. If parents want to contact me, the easiest and most efficient way is through email. I will try to respond to emails within 24 hours. Good luck!
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